Prompts for ToS And Privacy Policy

These pages are crucial legal document for your application. They are mandatory when you set a Stripe account or apply for Google Oauth constent screen.

This boilerplate includes a ChatGPT prompt as well as a detailed step-by-step process to help you generate this document quickly.

To set up your Legal Pages:

  • Go to /terms-of-service/page.tsx or /privacy-policy/page.tsx in the main branch.
  • Find the ChatGPT prompt in the comments.
  • Copy the prompt and paste it into ChatGPT/Claude.
  • Replace the placeholder data with your business details.
  • Take the response from ChatGPT and replace the CONTENT variable in the file.

The page uses your app name from the config file for the title.

Remember to review the generated Terms of Service, ideally with a legal professional, before publishing it on your site.