Chat with YouTube

Chat with Youtube Tool


Chat with YouTube: a cutting-edge tool designed to enhance your YouTube experience. Effortlessly generate concise summaries of your favorite videos and engage with their content like never before. With advanced AI at your fingertips, asking questions related to the video is just as easy. Elevate your YouTube journey with Chat with YouTube

Chat with Youtube Tool

Quickstart Guide


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [YOUR_APP_NAME]
    cd [YOUR_APP_NAME]
    git checkout chat-with-youtube

    Remove the origin remote to ensure that you can work locally without pushing the changes back to the original repository.

    git remote remove origin

    However, note that after removing the remote, you won't be able to switch between the branches, so you'll need to clone the repository again if you want to work on another branch.

  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Environment Variables:

    Copy the required variables from .env.example to .env.local as mentioned and update the values.

    cp .env.example .env.local

    Or, manually create a .env.local file in the root directory with the following env variables (make sure to update the values with your actual keys):

    # Host
    # Supabase
    # OpenAI
    # Pinecone
    # Google Analytics

Setup Supabase

If you have not setup the supabase yet, go through the detailed documentation to set up the supabase for Make sure that you are creating the user table as mentioned in the supabase setup doc as it is required for the tool.

  1. Create Chat with Youtube Table in Supabase:

    -- Create a table for Chat with Youtube
    create table
    chat_with_youtube (
       id uuid not null default uuid_generate_v4 (),
       created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now(),
       user_id uuid null,
       video_title text not null,
       url text not null,
       tone text not null,
       style text not null,
       transcription text not null,
       summary text null,
       chat_history jsonb null,
       history_metadata text null,
       ingestion_done boolean default false,
       constraint chat_with_youtube_pkey primary key (id),
       constraint chat_with_youtube_user_id_fkey foreign key (user_id) references users (id)
    -- Set up Row Level Security (RLS)
    alter table chat_with_youtube enable row level security;
    create policy "Users can insert their own row." on chat_with_youtube for insert
    check (auth.uid () = user_id);
    create policy "Users can update own row" on chat_with_youtube
    for update
    using (auth.uid () = user_id);
    create policy "Users can read own row" on chat_with_youtube for
    using (auth.uid () = user_id);
    create policy "Users can delete own row" on chat_with_youtube
    for delete using (auth.uid() = user_id);

    For all the tables, we enable the RLS policy by default with necessary permissions as mentioned in the script.

  2. Sync Supabase Types:

    To sync the supabase table schema with your project follow the steps here.

Setup Cookies


This is a manadatory step. Cookies are essential for retrieving the YouTube subtitles and content that may be restricted or unavailable without proper authentication. If you do not use cookies, YouTube will block you from accessing the subtitle for the available YouTube videos.

Follow the detailed steps to retrieve and setup cookies in your project - (opens in a new tab)

Running the Application

  1. Run the development server:

    npm run dev

    This will start the development server on http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab).

  2. Build for production:

    npm run build

    This command compiles the application for production usage.

  3. Start the production server:

    npm start

    This will start the application in production mode.

Additional Scripts

  • Prepare Husky for Git hooks:

    npm run prepare
  • Validate the code with Linting, Formatting & Typecheck:

    npm run validate

Make the tool publicly accessible by removing the login process

  1. Go to src/app/(dashboard)/layout.tsx and comment the following section from line:15 to line:20 as shown in the image below:

    Remove Layout Login Check
  2. Go to src/app/api/summary/route.ts and comment the following section from line:11 to line:15 as shown in the image below:

    Remove Api Login Check
  3. Now, go to src/app/api/chat/route.tsx and comment the following section from line:19 to line:22 as shown in the image below:

    Remove Api Login Check

These sections reads the user data and checks if the user is signed in or not. By commenting this section it does not check the user validation.
